


Keep Calm and Carry On

It’s easy for your patients to keep calm—Liposomal Calm is here! This formula is designed to relieve the symptoms that arise with situational anxiousness—“butterflies in the stomach,” sweating, nervousness, worry, and tension. This mood-boosting formula can be paired...

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Stressed? Depressed? Weight Gain? Check Thyroid!

Stress is just a major part of life this time of year, right? Many people become depressed. And isn’t weight gain just what happens during the holidays? Maybe. But if your patients are experiencing these symptoms, take a moment to check thyroid function. More than 30...

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Even Better Sleep!

This time of year, sleep patterns get off kilter. The time change can create havoc with even the best of sleepers. Add in stress, exposure to artificial light and electromagnetic fields, and the reduction in production of important hormones that comes with aging, and...

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Is it SIBO?

Are your patients complaining of constant digestive discomfort? Up to 80% of irritable bowel and other GI patients suffer from small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, or SIBO, a largely under-diagnosed condition. SIBO is an overabundance of bacteria in the small bowel....

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Bringing “Friends” Home From School?

It’s getting to be fall, and the kids are headed back to school. Sure, they’ll make great new friends. But what about those not-so-great “friends” they might bring home? Schools are practically breeding grounds for all kinds of germs, bacteria, parasites, and all...

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PANDAS: Not Cute and Cuddly!

PANDAS doesn’t always mean that charming animal living in the Chinese forest calmly munching on bamboo. It can also mean “Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal Infections.” These disorders occur when strep triggers a misdirected...

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Keep Your Brain Functioning!

What’s an easy, proven way to keep your brain functioning at its best? Believe it or not, keeping your blood sugar levels under control can help. A recent study in neurology showed that even at levels not considered diabetic, elevated blood sugar levels lead to a...

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Omnicleanse Powdered Beverage
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Energize 1oz dropper
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Systemic Detox
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Caffeic Acid
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Professional Weight Support
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