Head_Ideas_02Well, it’s a buzzword out there right now, but what does it mean? Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrition affects genetic material. Your genome is the genetic material you’re born with. It can’t be changed—think of it as being written in pen. Your epigenome is a network of chemical compounds that affects your genome by telling it which genes to “turn on” and which to “turn off.” Your epigenome can be affected by environmental factors—think of it as being written in pencil—including lifestyle choices like what you eat and what supplements you take. If you know what your genome is, then you can make lifestyle choices that can help your epigenome counteract some of those genetic predispositions. For example, if you know that your genes predispose you to becoming overweight, you can make choices that may help you overcome that predisposition.

dna_plateSo how can you find out what’s in your genome? DNA Genetique solves that problem for you. After an easy cheek-swab test, your genetic results are compared with 48 SNPs that have been shown in scientific studies to relate to weight and wellness. And how can you use that knowledge to affect your epigenome? Your customized report showing your genetic information also contains personalized recommendations on diet, supplements, exercise, and lifestyle modifications to help you overcome your genetic tendencies.


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