When the auto-immune system loses its ability to designate self from non-self and begins attacking normal body tissues, watch out. That’s when diseases such as fibromyalgia, multiple sclerosis, different types of arthritis, etc., get a firm hold, wreaking havoc on body tissues. This overstimulation of the immune system leads to full-blown inflammation throughout the body, and that causes all kinds of problems, including extreme fatigue and overall feelings of malaise.

Curcumin and resveratrol are two powerhouse anti-inflammatories and anti-oxidants on their own, and some late-breaking research shows that pairing them together might provide even more benefits, keeping the symptoms caused by inflammation in check. Unfortunately, both these nutrients have low intestinal absorption and bioavailability, so taking them orally in most forms is practically useless.

DesBio’s new Resveratrol-Curcumin Liposomal pairs these important ingredients together in a protective liposomal delivery system. This unique system allows the nutrients to bypass the normal digestive processes and deliver their benefits directly to target tissue. Click here for more information about this unique product and its benefits in fighting the symptoms caused by the body’s autoimmunity battle.

Res Curc

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