Chocolate glass

Summer’s the time for a nice, tall, frosty glass of . . . OptimaLean! And we’ve got a new flavor for you—a new, creamy chocolate that you’ll love. No, really. We listened when you told us we got it wrong with the last chocolate flavor, so this time, we got it right. You’ll love drinking our new and improved more creamy, chocolaty shake chock full of professional-grade ingredients!

A quality meal-supplement shake can make all the difference in weight-loss success. In a perfect world, your patients would eat only whole and nutritious foods. But with today’s

not-so-perfect, busy lifestyle, convenience wins at least sometimes. That’s not all bad—studies comparing meal supplement shakes to structured, food-based diet plans have found that using a shake once a day is effective for weight loss because of the increased convenience and simplicity.

But not all shakes are created equal! DesBio OptimaLeanprovides a quality meal-supplement shake that is complementary to a whole foods diet plan approach. This means:

  • No artificial ingredients
  • High-quality whey protein
  • Macronutrient-balanced to support blood sugar stability and appetite control – high protein, high fiber, low fat, low sugar
  • Bioactive vitamins and minerals to support metabolism
  • Specialty nutrients for blood sugar control, metabolic health, and digestive function
  • GREAT TASTE! Diet success is based on patient compliance. The new chocolate OptimaLean provides a creamy chocolate taste your patients will love

Available right now! Click here to order. (And here’s an inside tip—look for even better Strawberry-Banana and new Vanilla flavors coming soon!)



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