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DesBio is committed to the development of new sophisticated formulas to implement into your integrative practice. Below are several of our Newest Products!

Liposomal Collagen offers great tasting support for skin and joints with hydrolyzed marine collagen. Collagen sourced from wild caught pollock offers a smaller particle size than other forms of collagen and is an excellent source of collagens type 1 and 2. This small particle size along with the liposomal delivery system optimize absorption and bioavailability to support for skin and connective tissues from within. DesBio selected marine-sourced collagen from wild caught fish not only for its clinical efficacy – but also for its lower levels of contaminants and reduced environmental impact. Our collagen meets our high quality standards for metals and other environmental contaminants while also being a sustainable source.

The Daily Bind provides activated charcoal and liver-supporting herbs and nutrients in a liposomal delivery system. Activated charcoal can support the body’s regular elimination of toxins. This creamy and delicious blend is an excellent daily wellness formula or can accompany any detoxification or GI health program.

Micellular Immune Attune is a blend of traditional immune-supporting herbals and vitamins in a great-tasting highly absorbable micellular delivery system. Micellular Immune Attune is ideal for the whole family to support a healthy immune response.*

Liposomal Magnesium offers a flavorful serving of Magnesium Bisglycinate in a highly bioavailable form. Liposomal Magnesium delivers two glycine molecules bound to magnesium, supporting better tolerability and promoting relaxation, musculoskeletal and sleep support.

Micellular Omega is a delicious blend of EPA and DHA sourced from wild caught sardine and mackerel. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids are supportive for healthy brain, heart, and immune system function.

Liposomal D3 K2 is a balance of vitamins D3 and K2 in a form that is readily absorbed and utilized by the body. This great-tasting, family-friendly formula supports bone, heart, and immune health.

Liposomal Vitamin C provides an effective dose of vitamin C in a natural and pure phosphatidylcholine liposomal delivery system.  This highly absorbable vitamin C will limit the risk of gastrointestinal upset or issues.

Liposomal Zinc supports the replenishment of one of nature’s most crucial minerals in a delicious and highly bioavailable form. Healthy and normal levels of Zinc support adaptive and innate immunity, DNA replication, lung function, and gastrointestinal  health, metabolism, vision, and healthy aging.

DesBio online education is available for certified healthcare professionals with a DesBio account. 

Learn more about DesBio education opportunities Here






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