Maintaining Our Health Freedom with Homeopathy

Jul 12, 2023 | Articles

Maintaining Our Health Freedom with Homeopathy

The following information is from the insights shared by Todd Rowe, MD, MD(H), CCH, DHt, a board-certified practitioner with a rich background in homeopathy, inclusive of research, authorship, and practice at the Phoenix Institute of Herbal Medicine and Acupuncture.

Understanding Homeopathy and Health
In the realm of Homeopathic Medicine, health is viewed as the ultimate freedom. Homeopathy regards health as a holistic state of being that encompasses spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical wellbeing.
Some examples of freedom:

  • Spiritual Health: Connection to life, and a sense of meaning and purpose
  • Mental Health: Mental clarity, creativity, and diversity of thought
  • Emotional Health: Emotional responsiveness, empathy, and diversity of emotions
  • Physical Health: Freedom from pain, and freedom of motion

Is Health Worth Fighting For?

Individual Health Freedom: Patients are encouraged to fight for excellent health in their lives, and in doing so, they find unknown freedom.
Collective Health Freedom:  It’s important as a practitioner to work to preserve and protect access to health freedom.

FDA/FTC and Homeopathic Medicine

Homeopathic medicines have been recognized by the FDA and classified as drugs since the 1940s. These have been backed by numerous research studies, papers, and clinical trials and have been treated as a distinct and separate area of regulation for many years.  The FDA uses guidance documents for homeopathic medicines, though it can be controversial as it is not a legally binding document.

FDA’s Perceived Issues with Homeopathic Medicines

  • Neurological Toxicity of Teething Tablets containing Belladonna
  • Neurological Toxicity of Products Containing Zinc
  • Bacterial Contamination of Products in Homeopathic Facilities
  • Heavy Metal Contamination of Products in Homeopathic Facilities
  • Improper Labeling of Homeopathic Products Making Claims
  • Importation of Homeopathic Drugs from Overseas

These concerns underscore the need for careful manufacturing practices, proper labeling, and stringent quality control in the homeopathic industry to ensure patient safety and maintain health freedom.

Homeopathy has a tremendous safety profile when products are correctly manufactured and labeled. According to the FDA, issues were primarily with manufacturers and brand owners whose products were improperly labeled and manufactured. These types of concerns have resulted in a New Guidance Document replacing the existing from the FDA that positions them to be able to remove homeopathic medicines from shelves for any reason. This has led to concerns about continued access to these products.

How is the FDA prioritizing their approach with this New Guidance Document?

They are taking a risk-based approach in that they are going after Homeopathic products that they perceive as a risk to the public:

  • Infants and Children
  • IV and IM
  • Nosodes
  • Potentially Toxic Ingredients
  • OTC and High-Volume Products
  • Manufacturers

What is happening as a result?

  • Increasing pressure/FDA site visits
  • Closing of doors (ex. MediNatura certain product lines like iv)
  • Difficulties accessing homeopathic products from oversees

What about the FTC? (Federal Trade Commission)

  • Increasing pressure
  • Claim lack of evidence for efficacy
  • Narrow definitions of efficacy (only accepted evidence is double-blind placebo-controlled trials)

Information about two initiatives to address these concerns:
Americans for Homeopathy Choice
National Homeopathic Product Certification Board

 Americans for Homeopathy Choice

  • Americans for Homeopathy Choice (AFHC), founded by Paola Brown, is committed to preserving the right to purchase and use homeopathic remedies. They work with Congress and the FDA to ensure clear distinctions between homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs and guide FDA enforcement policies. Their mission extends to working with Congressional representatives from each state to keep homeopathic products protected and accessible for all.
  • AFHC (Americans For Homeopathy Choice) is dedicated to preserving your right to purchase and use homeopathic remedies.
  • AFHC’s goal is to work with Congress and the FDA to restate the longstanding, clear distinction in the law between homeopathic and pharmaceutical drugs and to guide FDA enforcement policies to distinguish between products that meet homeopathic standards and those which may be adulterated, misbranded, or improperly labeled as homeopathic. This will ensure continued access to homeopathic medicine.
  • The Homeopathy Action Team works tirelessly to make connections with Congressional representatives from each state to keep homeopathic products protected and accessible for all: Homeopathic Action Teams (aka HAT teams) They work both with local networks of legislators and state legislators. HAT Team members undergo extensive training in working with their legislators. The Homeopathy Action Team works tirelessly to make connections with Congressional representatives from each state to keep homeopathic products protected and accessible for all. They have made wonderful progress with petitions backed by a great number of signees and have found growing support from congress.

National Homeopathic Product Certification Board (NHPCB)  Learn more with this video

The NHPCB is a non-profit organization dedicated to promoting homeopathic product verification to preserve and protect access to all homeopathic medicines. The organization’s vision is “To strengthen confidence in homeopathic products through rigorous product oversight and self-regulation of the homeopathic industry.”

Its mission is to provide rigorous homeopathic product verification to preserve and protect access to all homeopathic medicines and to empower people to safely care for themselves and future generations.
Products that are verified though this rigorous process would gain a special seal denoting their approval.

The benefits of the seal for the consumer and the practitioner:

  • Available and accessible
  • Safe, quality products
  • Appropriately labeled products
  • Manufactured in a way that they can have confidence
  • Easily searchable in the public seal database on their website

Industry professionals can also benefit from the seal:

  • Improving the value of their homeopathic products
  • Ensuring the recognition of compliant products
  • Helping products remain accessible and more marketable to the consumer
  • Being recognized by regulatory bodies
  • Verifying that standards are followed consistently
  • Promoting standards created by those with an awareness and understanding of homeopathy
  • Demonstrating safety through the National Homeopathic Adverse Event Database

The NHPCB aligns itself with the American Institute of Homeopathy, the oldest homeopathic organization in the U.S., founded in 1844. The Institute’s respect for the homeopathic community and independence from the industry make it a key player in the self-regulation of homeopathic products.

What are potential benefits of self-regulation?

  • Independence
  • Safer, more reliable products
  • Consumer awareness
  • Consumer Confidence
  • Distinguishing manufacturers who make compliant products

The National Homeopathic Product Certification Board offers six pathways for application, catering to different types of homeopathic products. Its standards are based on globally accepted principles for standard development, with the goal to reach ANSI accreditation and ISO certification. The standards are developed with principles like Transparency, Openness, Impartiality, Effectiveness and Relevance, Performance Based, Coherence, Due Process, Technical Assistance, Flexible, Timely, Balanced

Six Pathways for Application (HPUS stands for The Homeopathic Pharmacopoeia of the United States, which sets standards for homeopathic remedies.)

  • Pathway #1: Single Ingredients Listed in HPUS
  • Pathway #2: Multiple Ingredients Listed in HPUS
  • Pathway #3: Single Ingredients Not Listed in HPUS
  • Pathway #4: Multiple Ingredients With Some Not Listed in HPUS
  • Pathway #5: Animal Products with Single Ingredients Listed in HPUS
  • Pathway #6: Animal Products with Multiple Ingredients Listed in HPUS

To ensure products’ compliance with these standards, the NHPCB has outlined seven criteria for product certification:

  • Identity and Nomenclature
  • Legal and Regulatory
  • Labeling and Marketing
  • Identity and Purity
  • Manufacturing
  • Safety
  • Clinical Indications

The application review process involves an initial review for completeness, followed by a secondary review by the Application Review Committee to verify the standards’ adherence.  NHPCB also facilitates a Homeopathic Adverse Event Reporting System for gathering safety data on homeopathic ingredients, thereby promoting confidence in their safety. The funds from the project are used to promote quality homeopathic research and education. As of fall 2023, the NHPCB aims to accept initial applications after three years of dedicated work towards finalizing standards and marketing to constituencies.

The NHPCB’s dedication to providing rigorous homeopathic product verification is a crucial aspect of preserving and protecting access to all homeopathic medicines, empowering people to safely care for themselves and future generations.

What Can You Do?

Maintaining health freedom and exploring homeopathy’s potential are ongoing endeavors. Staying informed, engaged, and supportive of initiatives like those of the AFHC and NHPCB are critical for continuing the dialogue about homeopathy within professional circles, guided by an informed understanding and respect for the regulatory landscape.

DesBio empowers practitioners and their patients through targeted supplements and homeopathic remedies. DesBio is more than just a product company, we are a partner in your practice. Our practitioners have direct access to consults with our team of medical educators and our training and educational programs focus on diagnostic strategies, clinical how-to’s, case studies, and troubleshooting tips to help you manage the increasingly complex needs of your patient base.

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