Implementing the hA2cg Evolution Weight-Management Program in Your Practice

Aug 8, 2023 | Articles

Implementing the hA2cg Evolution Weight-Management Program in Your Practice 

If you’re a healthcare practitioner, you understand the challenges many patients face when trying to manage their weight. The Evolution Weight-Management Program offers a holistic, systematic approach to support weight-management goals using homeopathic and nutritional formulas. Here’s how you can incorporate it into your practice to help your patients navigate their weight management journey.

The Evolution Weight-Management Kit: A Comprehensive Toolkit

The Evolution Weight-Management Kit provides everything necessary for your patient to complete the 23 Day Diet Option of the Evolution Weight-Management Protocol. The kit includes:

Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit 

The DesBio Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit is a compilation of six specialized homeopathic remedies: CerebroMax, SpinalMax, Matrix Support, Detox I, Detox II, Detox III. Each of these remedies has been traditionally used to temporarily relieve symptoms of toxicity affecting various body systems.

hA2cg Evolution
This innovative homeopathic product blends 23 ingredients, created to temporarily relieve symptoms typically associated with weight loss, such as hunger, low mood, and fatigue. It is a key component of the practitioner-supervised weight-loss plan.

Appetite Control and Crave Control
Appetite Control
and Crave Control are crucial tools in this kit. They contain homeopathic and nutraceutical ingredients, traditionally used to temporarily relieve symptoms such as emotional issues, cravings, and hunger.

The Evolution Weight-Management Protocol: A Structured Approach 

The program follows 5 key steps:  Detox, Fat Loading, Calorie Restriction, Maintenance, and the Rest of your Life Step. Here is a detailed breakdown of the 5 steps in this program and the products used:

Step 1: Detoxification & Regulation
Patients start with the Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit on Day 1 and continue its use throughout the program.

Products: Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit (CerebroMax, SpinalMax, Matrix Support, Detox I, Detox II, Detox III). These products are vital for detoxification, preparing the body for the upcoming stages of the program. Each product in the kit is used as directed, typically involving adding a certain number of drops to water and sipping it throughout the day. This detox phase lasts approximately 60 days and continues through the diet stage and into the maintenance phase. Our protocol guide provides an example calendar for our detoxification days 1-7 and pro tips on using our Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit. 

Step 2: Fat Loading
Patients commence hA2cg Evolution drops on the first day of Fat Loading, continuing until three days before ending the Calorie Restriction step. Appetite Control and Crave Control may be used throughout the program or as needed to temporarily relieve emotional cravings and symptoms of hunger.

Product: hA2cg Evolution drops. The hA2cg Evolution drops (10 drops, 3 times per day) are used during the fat loading phase to prepare the body for the calorie-restricted diet stage.  Our guide outlines details on this step and offers pro tips on types on high-fat foods and important info like what types of food to avoid!

Step 3: Calorie Restriction
During this step, patients adhere to a calorie restriction plan as per the guidelines.

Products: hA2cg Evolution drops. This phase continues with the hA2cg Evolution drops and follows the 500-calorie per day diet plan. Optional support products, such as Appetite Control and Crave Control, can help handle hunger, and Electrolyte Plus can provide additional support for those experiencing leg cramps. For individuals with hormone issues, products like Energize, Hormone Combination, High Vitality, and EquolSLIM may be beneficial.  In this step, our protocol guide provides a checklist of items that your patients should eat as well as a list that patients should avoid along with a detailed program calendar, what a day looks like and suggested recipes!  We also offer great troubleshooting tips in this step of our protocol guide!

Step 4: Maintenance: Maintenance begins after the calorie-restricted step of this program (immediately after the three days of calorie restriction without the hA2cg Evolution drops).  It is critical that patients complete this portion of the program because those that do not may experience weight gain.

Products: During the maintenance phase, patients finish up the remaining drops from the Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit. They begin to reintroduce healthy fats and other foods that were previously avoided, although sugars and starches continue to be avoided. The quantity of food consumed is increased to an ideal calorie intake level required to maintain the patient’s goal weight.  This is covered in detail in our program guide from how much patients should eat, to what they should eat, information on reintroducing foods and how many calories a patient may need on this step.  Bonus?  It also includes suggested recipes for the maintenance step as well as troubleshooting tips. Note that If patients wish to undergo multiple rounds of the diet protocol, they can do so after observing a waiting period before starting the diet again.

Step 5: Lifestyle Changes
The DesBio Evolution Weight-Management Program not only employs the use of particular products, but also emphasizes the adoption of healthier lifestyle habits for lasting success. It’s a comprehensive roadmap aimed at assisting practitioners in guiding their patients on their weight management journey.  Step 5 of our protocol highlights general guidelines for long-term success!

Rest of your Life:  Your patient must continue to make healthy diet choices for long term weight management success.  After following the maintenance step for three weeks patients can begin to introduce starches and sugars back into their diet.

Preparing Your Patients for the Program
Preparation is vital for your patients’ success.

It’s essential they have:

  • A kitchen scale for accurate food weighing and portioning.
  • A bathroom scale for regular weight monitoring.
  • A grocery list of permitted foods.
  • Personal care items free from oils.
  • A log for recording measurements and food intake.

Discuss the potential lifestyle and social life impact with your patients and ensure they understand the program commitment. Encourage them to gather these materials while they’re completing the detox protocol during the first week.

The DesBio Evolution Weight-Management Program is a structured regimen aimed at supporting metabolic function and supporting weight-management. With a foundation in homeopathic principles, the program incorporates products such as the Comprehensive Homeopathic Detox Kit and hA2cg Evolution drops, while also promoting a restricted-calorie diet and healthier lifestyle habits. Beyond supporting weight management, it serves to enhance overall well-being, ensuring a comprehensive approach. By combining specific products with lifestyle modifications, it provides a well-rounded solution for those seeking a sustainable path to supporting their weight management goals.

If you are a DesBio Practitioner, for additional details on the program, example grocery lists, and weight-loss logs, visit 

DesBio Practitioners, Click here to join our exclusive DesBio Practitioner Evolution Facebook Group!

DesBio empowers practitioners and their patients through targeted supplements and homeopathic remedies. DesBio is more than just a product company, we are a partner in your practice. Our practitioners have direct access to consults with our team of medical educators and our training and educational programs focus on diagnostic strategies, clinical how-to’s, case studies, and troubleshooting tips to help you manage the increasingly complex needs of your patient base.

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