Get Smarter!

Or at least improve cognitive function quickly and easily. A recent study in Neurology showed that even at levels not considered diabetic, elevated blood sugar levels lead to a decline in cognitive function. Even if your patients have blood sugar levels that are...

Like a Ball and Chain

Your patients are coming to see you about weight management—they are tired of dragging around that extra 5-10 pounds they gained during the holidays. And they don’t feel good. All that rich, heavy holiday food. What have you got to help them? DesBio’s OmniCleanse...

Solving the Autism Puzzle

Problems along the autism spectrum are difficult to solve. Pieces of the puzzle involve food, supplements, gut health, learning issues, anxiety disorders, hormone problems, immune system dysfunction, mitochondrial concerns, methylation defects . . . the list can seem...

What is Nutrigenomics?

Well, it’s a buzzword out there right now, but what does it mean? Nutrigenomics is the study of how nutrition affects genetic material. Your genome is the genetic material you’re born with. It can’t be changed—think of it as being written in pen. Your epigenome is a...

Find Your Balance

Feeling tired, but can’t sleep? Gaining weight around the middle? Getting forgetful? These seemingly unrelated symptoms can point toward the hormone imbalance that happens to nearly everyone, especially around middle age. The endocrine system is pretty complicated and...


And the livin’ is easy . . . unless you live in an area with bugs! They’re maddening, and the bites can be infuriating. But even worse, many serious illnesses, such as Lyme disease, are related to insect bites. And now there’s a new bug in town—Powassan virus. This...
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