Sick Again? Get Better Fast!

Cold and flu season is on its way again this year, right on schedule, and it will bring painful symptoms to many of your patients. How can you help with body aches, muscle aches, soreness, cough, congestion, stuffy nose, fever, and throat pain? These nasty symptoms...

The Power of Proteases

Studies have shown that taking proteolytic enzymes helps with everything from injuries, inflammatory responses, immune support, and autoimmune conditions. Proteolytic enzymes are one of the most important modulators of the inflammatory response. They help to increase...

New! EndoPara Clear Program

Got a case of the creepy crawlies? Humans can be hosts to nearly 300 species of parasitic worms and over 70 species of protozoa. Stories of parasite infection date back to the earliest writings in human history and archaeological findings confirm that parasites...

The Power of Liposomal Delivery

What’s a liposome? It’s a tiny bubble made out of the same material as a cell membrane. Why is it cool? It can be filled with nutrients and used to deliver a high dose directly to cells. These little bubbles slip through the digestive tract and head directly to target...

Who You Gonna Call? Stress Busters!

There’s something strange in the neighborhood, but it’s not paranormal—in fact, it’s an everyday occurrence for many of your patients. They are stressed. Their adrenals are burned out and can’t function correctly. Something’s weird, and it “don’t look good,” but...
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