Studies have shown that taking proteolytic enzymes helps with everything from injuries, inflammatory responses, immune support, and autoimmune conditions.

Proteolytic enzymes are one of the most important modulators of the inflammatory response. They help to increase the functionality of natural killer cells and macrophages while simultaneously helping eliminate compounds that can interfere with normal immune function. During tissue injury, proteases help reduce blood viscosity and encourage the delivery of nutrients to the affected area. They also help to remove waste products from traumatized tissue resulting in faster recovery and reduced discomfort. In addition, proteolytic enzymes have the ability to break down circulating immune complexes or CICs. These antigenic compounds stem from food antigens and if left in circulation can cause unmediated inflammatory responses and autoimmune activity.

Desbio’s new Liposomal Transzyme is the first formula to combine the power of proteolytic enzymes with a liposomal delivery system. Help your patients promote healthier immune system function and manage inflammatory responses associated with injuries and autoimmune conditions with this ground-breaking new product!

~ Rahma Abdillah

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