And the livin’ is easy . . . unless you live in an area with bugs! They’re maddening, and the bites can be infuriating. But even worse, many serious illnesses, such as Lyme disease, are related to insect bites. And now there’s a new bug in town—Powassan virus. This tick-borne illness has been described as even worse than Lyme disease.

How can you avoid tick-borne illnesses without just staying inside all summer? Experts recommend using bug repellent, wearing long sleeves and long pants, and checking yourself and your kids carefully for ticks after being outside.

If you don’t like some of the bug repellents out there, be sure to check out DesBio’s homeopathic remedy Bug Bouncer. It can be used safely on anyone, including small children. For children under 12, use half the adult dose; for children under 3, use 1/3 the adult dose. Consider rubbing drops on a small child’s belly button rather than oral dosing. Keep the ticks away from everyone without nasty chemicals!

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